
Sasu Kauppi

ロンドンのセントマーチンズを卒業し2011年にブランドを立ち上げたヘルシンキ出身の若手デザイナーSASU KAUPPI。
彼のコレクションはラフォーレ原宿にて10月11日より開催されるポップアップショップ”Uggla Scandinavian Selects”にもフィーチャーされている。



ハロー、私はSasu Kauppi、ヘルシンキを拠点とした31歳のファッションデザイナーです。ロンドンのCSM卒業後、ヘルシンキのアアルト大学で学士を取得、2011年から自身のブランド「Sasu Kauppi」をスタートしました。


Sasu Kauppiの美学は、逆らいなく自然に素材を縫い合わせることだと言えるでしょう。




今期のコレクションは、Peter Besteという写真家の「True Norwegian Black Metal」というフォトブックにインスパイアされています。技術的な面では、よりフィンランドにスポットを当て、「True Finlandian Blue Denim(フィンランド純産のブルーデニム)」を多く用いています。










SS14は「Back to the Foodture」というネーミング。私にとって一つのターニングポイントとなるコレクションです。いつも私は一つのテーマを決め、それに沿ってコレクションを組み立てていくのですが、今回はそれを超えて、ある程度の統制を乱したかったので、一つのコレクションの中にいくつかの異なったテーマを同時に立ててそれぞれのグループが各々の意味を持つようなコレクションになります。
「Back to the Future」という映画は、もちろんこのコレクションに最も影響を与えています。子供の頃何度もこのお気に入りを見るのは私の情熱でした。今、私の大きな情熱である「食」は素材を生かし混ぜることの代表的なものであり、それはファッションにも大きく通づるものがあります。このコレクションでは、たくさんのマスクや帽子を用いています。



アイスランドや北欧を中心に話題の日本未上陸ブランドが登場 Uggla Scandinavian Selects ラフォーレ原宿にて開催

-Please tell me about yourself.

Hello! I’m Sasu Kauppi, a Helsinki based designer, aged 31. I’m A Central Saint Martins MA Menswear graduate and did my BA at Aalto University in Helsinki. I’ve designed my own brand since 2011.

-Please tell me your brand concept.

The SASU KAUPPI aesthetic could be described spontaneous with a raw immature twist. Unisex elements are apparent throughout the collections. All in all our aim is to create fashion with an attention to detail inspired by subcultures and phenomena.

-To see your collection, big shape and unique textile are shown. (I love it!)Which designer do you think you are influenced?

Thank you! I tend to say that there are a number of designers who’s aesthetic I respect, also some legendary Japanese designers. Usually I wouldn’t say they’ve influenced my work, but rather given me a perspective. Bernhard Willhelm, Walter van Beirendonck, Rick Owens and even Coco Chanel to name a few…

-Please tell me about the concept of your AW13.

AW13 collection was inspired by photographer Peter Beste’s book “True Norwegian Black Metal”…anyways I wanted to take it to a more Finnish perspective and made “True Finlandian Blue Denim”…A lot of denim, blue and white.

-About AW13 collection, we can the strong rock taste from the textile. I know,Metal rock music is really popular in Helsinki.
Do you like rock music too?And what kind of music you like?

I do listen to a wide range of different music genres from Frank Sinatra to techno. It comes in seasons, and sometimes I do listen to a lot of old thrash metal for instance. Currently I’ve been listening to a lot of rap and UK grime.

-Do you know some Japanese designers?

Yes, of course. I’m more familiar with the work of legendary designers like Rei Kawakubo, Yohji Yamamoto, Junya Watanabe and Jun Takahashi, but I also know some younger designers.

-I think some point of Finnsh culture is really similar to Japanese culture -language, close cultule, and so on-
Do you think your creation will be appreciated in Japanese market.

I definitely agree that there is something similar to our cultures. It’s probably a balance between some kind of simplicity and strong characteristics. I believe that Japanese people do appreciate my aesthetic.

I’ve never been to Japan myself, but hope to be able to travel there soon. Japan is actually one of the rare countries I could see myself living in.

-From what kind of art do you think you are inspired?

I’m most inspired by art photography and photojournalism. I also love looking at real people on the street. And also movies…

-How the concept of SS13 gonna be?

SS14, Back to the Foodture: Part I, for me, was some kind of a turning point. While usually I tend to grab one theme and build a collection around it, this time I wanted to go beyond, and created somewhat of a controlled mess. There’s a number of different themes going on, each product group has it’s own.

Back to the Future movies, of course, worked as a major inspiration for the collection. It was fun to watch these childhood favourites over and over again. My big passion, food, is represented as hybrids of ingredients and there’s also a lot of head wear and masks.

Thanks for the questions!
