Creator's file



キム・キホはソウルのHangseung Universityの服飾科を卒業後、Parkyounsooで3年間デザイナーとして経験を積み、その後ミラノのCarlo Secoliでパターンメーキングを、フィレンツェのPolimodaにてファッションデザインを学ぶ。在学中は様々な国際コンクールに参加、受賞。ITS#3のファイナリスト。卒業後はAntonio Marrasで4年間デザイナーとして働く。

橋上桃子は青山学院大学国際政治学科を卒業後、文化服装学院服飾研究科に入学しファッションの道を志す。その後渡英しLondon College of Fashionを経てCentral Saint Martinsの婦人服科を卒業する。在学中はJohn Gallianoをはじめとするパリのファッションハウスにて経験を積む。様々な国際コンクールに参加、受賞。 ITS#4のファイナリスト。卒業後はAntonio Marrasで2年間デザイナーを務める。


About Designers
COINONIA is the fashion label of Kiho Kim from Korea and Momoko Hashigami from Japan. After having worked with Antonio Marras together for some years they established COINONIA in Milan in 2010. They launched their first 2010-2011F/W collection in Paris. They started showing their collection also in Seoul from 2011-12 F/W.

About Brand
The name is inspired by the Greek concept of “Koinonia” – sharing, relationship, and communication. It is an idealized state of relationship, an idea of harmonized participation in a team. COINONIA is a label of two designers collaborating as a team while sharing their creativity, passion, and phylosophy for fashion and life. They wish to create COINONIA also among its associates and clients, and between the garment and the wearer to give a new idea to everyday life.

COINONIA’s universal theme is creating ‘Conceptual Contemporary’ garment and accessory for creative women. All the collection pieces are first created on the mannequins to be given a life and a story by hand under a seasonal concept. Experimental and architectural shape, dynamic cutting, and sensitive details and colors are then introduced to define their characters. Narrative and conceptual mood is always there as the essence of their works. Feminine but masculine, still but dynamic, tender but hard… These contradictions are the source of their creation to be mixed up and give a birth to new designs.
