Creator's file

Vladimir Karaleev

Vladimir Karaleev (*1981) was born and raised in Sofia, Bulgaria. He
moved to Berlin at the age of 19 to study fashion at the University of
Applied Sciences (FHTW). In 2005 he founded his own fashion label and
launched his conceptual debut collection “CUT 210”. With „Pro Forma“ F/
W 2010/11 Vladimir Karaleev is presenting his 9th collection.Contemporary
art has a strong influence on. Vladimir Karaleev. New shapes and
experimental cuts form the center of the creations of the bulgarian
designer Vladimir Karaleev, who creates extraordinary womens- and
menswear. The creative handling of materials works in combination with
the conceptual design. Karaleev goes against the traditional shapes and
cuts and creates instead innovative silhouettes, that are strongly
influenced by geometric structures. His close bond with the art scene is not
only expressed through his conceptual approach but also through the
presentation of his fashion.
Since 2010 Vladimir Karaleev is a guest lecturer at the “University of Applied
