
hui-hui (En)

“To enjoy it, to creat something new, inspiring which is wearable and unique”

-How did you come to establish the label?

We started just fur fun while we were still studying, after our graduations we started to approach it much more seriously.

-How do you find and decide upon your themes for each season?

Usually we start up together with looking back to the last season, what worked well, what did we liked about it, and where could we catch up with for the new season,
then we start putting all the different ideas on the table, with small sketches, cut outs, books, scraps from magazines, trying to set an atmosphere, and very important,
deciding colours and fabrics.

-How did you come to know each other?

Katharina and Johanna are sisters, Anne and Johanna studied together in hamburg until Johanna moved to Antwerp to continue studying there.

-What are the source of inspiration in your fashion and graphic design?

What we see on the street, in exhibitions, movies, old handicraftsbooks, but also special materials and uncommon colourcombinations

-How would you describe your own personal style?

Since we are with three, its actually three different styles with some things in common.
all like to mix vintage with designers and our own label
spoken in movies, Anne is a bit of annie hall of Woody Allen,
Katharina more like Juliette Binoche in Alice et Martin
and Johanna a bit of dawn wiener in welcome to the dollhouse, with less pink.
and all of us a dash of twin peaks.

-What are the difficulties faced being designers today?

To live from it. the big competition with the big players from the lower price segment.
a chance and a challenge is also the globalized market.

-What are the most important factors when you approach your work?

To enjoy it, to creat something new, inspiring which is wearable and unique.

-Does your design process always follow the same process?

Basically we start up in the same way each season but each collection has its own rhythm.

-How do you see your brand developing over next few years?

We hope to stay independent and to grow bigger in order be able to concentrate more on the design work only.

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hui-hui 10 A/W Collection

Interview & Text:Masaki Takida
