


Lui Nemeth
東京出身、ロンドンに在住。アートをCentral Saint Martins で学び、3年間STREET MAGAZINEのPHOTOGRAPHERとして活躍。卒業後 セレクトショップ/ギャラリー Primitive London をオープン。

Andrew Green
オーストラリア出身のアクセサリーデザイナー。2007年、Torso Corso というアクセサリーレーブルを立ち上げ、Candy や ilil などにストックされる。日本に1年半ほど住んだ後、現在ロンドンに移動し、2011年 セレクトショップ /ギャラリーPrimitive London をオープン。

Rael Stone @ Primitive Gallery

On August 6th, we are pleased to host an exhibition of Rael Stone’s new collection and installation. It will also be the debut of Primitive’s new gallery space next door to our current store.



We all stand alone. Not out of choice, but due to the simple fact that we were all born different. Whilst many choose to group themselves together (safety in numbers) others find solace, standing on the windswept planes of destiny. Rael Stone, stands alone.

In the age where the individual means Topshop and trends cohabit the same space as art, Rael, is the hero, via a maddened Nero we’ve all been waiting for. Lost yet regal, his kingdom is the cul-de-sac, his castle the semi detached in the sprawling suburbia of his sub conscious.

This collection draws a line under his use of his roots as inspiration, and takes us into an ambitious vision of a dream we’re yet to have.
Golden statues shimmer in a haze of emerald and purple light. Marble staircases lead to nowhere, in a vision corrupted by power and sexual exploitation. A place we find arousing yet dare not admit.
Themes of antiquity and classicism can be found throughout, yet shown in a context that strips them of their hierarchy and places them within the grasp of the average man. There is no elitism in Raels works. Everything is accessible, nothing is taboo, but only if you allow.

Dip dying in and out of consciousness; ominous prints and
illustrative transfers sit tantalisingly awkwardly next to hand painted
bodies on satins and chord. The pieces themselves are merely the costumes of those who inhabit the wider world of Raels dreamlike surrealist state. There is an unsettling feeling, with every stitch that something is around the corner, that the dream is about to collapse; perhaps under the weight of its own hedonistic excess
– an unnerving nod to our present reality.

(Statement by Dan Szor)

August 6th @ Primitive Gallery.

Arch 314, Frederick Terrace. E8 4EW.

18:00-22:00 (sponsored by Kopparberg Cider)
