
masumi TIPSY saito

masumi TIPSY saito

(Movement Artist / Theo Adams Company )
昨年日本でのLVパーティーの演出そしてパフォーマンスをし、今や世界中の感度の高い人々の間で注目される Theo Adams 率いるカンパニーで振付師/パフォーマーとして活躍。また、ロンドンを拠点に個人でもアートイベントでのパフォーマンスから、世界の多くのアーティストとのコラボレーションなど、ただのダンサーには留まらずにその活動の幅を広げている。
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Next Even ” BEDLAM”


Artists William Hogarth created a painting (and later an etching) of Bedlam, a institution for the mentally insane in 1735 in a series titled ‘A Rakes Progress’.
In the first scene the rake (a weak-willed hedonist) comes into some money.
He spends it all on drink, debauchery and dissolute pursuits. Finally his wretched life drives him mad and the moral of the tale is that he ends up as a lunatic.

Hogarth later created ‘Gin Lane’ showing shocking scenes of infanticide, starvation, madness, decay and suicide, it is thought that The Hospital Club sits at the foot of where Gin Lane once stood.

For one night only Eat Your Heart Out team up with The Hospital Club present a promenade performance taking inspiration from the building and its geographical past, present and future to create BEDLAM.

Guided tours, Working Mens Clubs and VERY important meetings starring Scottee, Miss Annabel Sings, Myra Dubois, Nando Messias & Masumi Tipsy.

Plus noise from DJ Lush (Duckie/Retro Bar), Pop up shop from Tatty Devine & 3 minute wonders in the Martini Bar.

This event is only open to Hospital Club Members & EYHO ‘Pin in heart’ or Donor members.

If you are already a Hospital member please book via If you are already a EYHO member you will receive some info shortly.

To become a EYHO Pin or Donor from as little as £4 visit –

“performances that push boundaries, sanity and taste, a talented menagerie of misfits”
– Sunday Times Style
