


Born in Germany in 1979, Daniel Sannwald is emerging as one of the true original voices in contemporary photography. In a landscape dominated by referential and repetitive imagery, Daniel is establishing a strong and recognizable signature that is already catching the attention of some of the most influential trendsetters in the fashion and photography industries. His surrealistic and hauntingly beautiful images speak of a world were Fashion and Art meet to reveal a unique narrative.
Daniel studied at the Royal Academy in Antwerp and is now based in London.
Daniel contributes to numerous magazines. Amongst them: Dazed & Confused, i-D, Vogue Hommes Japan, V magazine and Qvest. His work has been honoured with a nomination by the Photomuseum Winterhur in Switzerland, and a Lead Award nomination in Germany. He has photographed projects for Louis Vuitton, Nike, Adidas, Replay, Wrangler and Shiseido.

thinking about cyprus

today i was here but thinking about there.

thinking about how we both went to the crystal healer and i asked for:
kindness, the now and courage
and how the healer laid circles of stones over my body
1 circle : shades of red stones
2 circle : shades of turquoise stones
3 circle: shades of purple stones

thinking about the white rocks we being climbing.

dreaming of our boat and how we sailed to the blue lagoon.
and thinking about our jeep and how we did a herb safari and how we stopped from time to time to plug herbs and fruits and how we ate fresh grapes, bananas and pears.
how we acquaintance a bull, turtle babies and lots of goats.

thinking of how we took pictures together

thinking about how we took a swim in adonis bath.

the myth says:
men will become stronger once they swim in adonis waters.
and if you swim together in the waters you will fall in love.


but then i had enough of thinking and i crawled out of my bed and went for a wander with tali and her dog mia.
