


Born in Germany in 1979, Daniel Sannwald is emerging as one of the true original voices in contemporary photography. In a landscape dominated by referential and repetitive imagery, Daniel is establishing a strong and recognizable signature that is already catching the attention of some of the most influential trendsetters in the fashion and photography industries. His surrealistic and hauntingly beautiful images speak of a world were Fashion and Art meet to reveal a unique narrative.
Daniel studied at the Royal Academy in Antwerp and is now based in London.
Daniel contributes to numerous magazines. Amongst them: Dazed & Confused, i-D, Vogue Hommes Japan, V magazine and Qvest. His work has been honoured with a nomination by the Photomuseum Winterhur in Switzerland, and a Lead Award nomination in Germany. He has photographed projects for Louis Vuitton, Nike, Adidas, Replay, Wrangler and Shiseido.

the moon always follows the sun / hyeres 2011

here some parts of the show in hyeres

and an interview by tag christof for 2dm.

So, your exhibition opens today at Festival Hyères. What can we expect?
The show is curated by Michel Mallard, who I deeply respect. The show will be my work trough his eyes. He made a great selection of works and the room will take the visitors on a journey trough my visual world over the past five years.

Are you having a nice time in Provence?
I rented a nice country house with some friends from London. Its a wonderful house with a huge garden surrounded by fields and trees. We even have goats in our garden (and goats are one of my favourite animals). Its just lovely. More Friends are arriving from France, Germany and Belgium this evening. It feels like a nice holiday and we are enjoying the time together; grilling fishes, taking boat trips on the sea, reading poems, exploring nature and having late talks at night with wine and cheeses.

“The moon always follows the sun,” the title of the exhibition, is gorgeous and evocative. What’s behind it?
I am fascinated by the fact that things come to you and find you in the right moments. You just need to be aware and open, and not on a search. Last year I experienced the loss of a great love and was unable to understand the concept that the world kept on turning. For me everything stood still and I was extremely confused by the fact that my world stopped, yet the outside world kept on turning. One day in an African bookshop I found a poem titled “The moon always follows the sun.” It gave me much strength at that moment. I thought it would be a wonderful title for my first exhibition and a good link to my book title “Pluto and Charon” and my fascination with the universe…

click here to read the whole interview.
